Hello, intrepid internet wanderer! Welcome to the digital home of a mechanical engineering aficionado currently navigating the tumultuous seas of TUM (Technische Universität München, for the uninitiated). Here's the deal: my website is more 'coming soon' than a blockbuster film's teaser trailer. Why, you ask? Well, I'm currently locked in an epic battle with my exams and thesis, crafting a masterpiece that will surely rock the very foundations of engineering (or, at least, get me a decent grade).

Stay tuned, and thanks for not judging my placeholder too harshly.

It's not procrastination; it's strategic time management!

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Email me.


  1. CAD Model from LCL-Robot

  2. Using and testing Exo-drill

Adventures in Engineering: A Brief Tour of My Workshop

  • The LCL-Robot Saga: Spearheaded a daring redesign of joint operations

  • Optimization Odyssey: Tweaked the LCL-Robot for a smoother assembly experience, better printing compatibility, and a cable management system

  • Exo-tool and Exo-drill Projects: Provided design support, contributing to the development of these projects with a focus on practical applications and usability

  • Exoskeleton Knee Joint (Project Seminar): Designed a knee joint for an exoskeleton featuring a compliance mechanism

  • Thesis Project: Focused on the general enhancement of the LCL-Robot’s joints, achieving greater reliability and modularity. Developed a novel switch mechanism between end-effectors

    Each of these projects was a step on my journey through the fascinating world of mechanical engineering, teaching me more than just the nuts and bolts (though there were plenty of those, too).